Monday, August 30, 2010

Rockies Game and Fishing Success

I should have kissed him!
This weekend Quinn's dad invited Quinn, me, and my dad to meet in Denver to see a baseball game. Our seats were in a part of the field I had never sat in before.  The dad's got a long great...and the beer never tasted better! I even managed to snag a photo with Dinger.  Too bad those darn kids got in the way of my photo op!

Dad and I had a great time and the weather was perfect.  Mike, Quinn's dad, brought his glove but we didn't have the chance to caught a ball, or watch Mike get athletic.

On Sunday, Quinn and I went fishing for a few hours out by Wood's Landing.  Quinn was SOL on fish but I caught one and then almost another.  I am slowly becoming a fishing pro with the Pink Panther.  I tried to get a photo, but I was alone on the bank and too excited to manage the fishing pole and the camera at the same time. 

My first article was published (without any revisions or suggestions by editors--woohoo!) to Suite101.  According to the blog forums, you really don't start making significant money until about the 50th article. Better getting writing then!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ladies Night

Marissa is a fox.
Last night was self-proclaimed ladies night.  Both Marissa and I pulled out some killer dresses we bought but avoided wearing because of one reason or the other.  Marissa bought her dress months ago and decided it was too revealing to wear out anywhere. But with the help of a tube top, the dress became a mega hit! It also helped that Marissa is now driving her brother's convertible sports car around.   Yay! Now all she has to do is apply to America's Next Top Model and get Miss J to help her out with her walk.

I don't know how I convinced a vegetarian to go to Wing Night, but somehow I succeeded and we met Kirstin at Applebees.  And, because you can't just stop with food and margaritas, we ended up heading to Mingles for fishbowls.

One of my hottest and most fun friends, Kirstin.
 I don't think I have been to Mingles for years, as it is notorious for rednecks, sticky floors, and terrible music.  But, an $8 drink as big as my head made me forget all of those problems.  And the best part...I still got to work by 7:15! Happy Friday :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Medicine Bow Peak

Full smile for full moon!!
Last night, after I was already in a terrible mood and deciding the couch was the only place I wanted to be, Quinn reminded me of our plans to hike Medicine Bow Peak.  While I was certainly not in the mood to hike, the exercise turned out to be the best cure for unhappiness.

We drove up the Snowy Range and arrived at the base of the peak around 9:30.  We had a full mood--so bright we hardly needed lights.

Once we got to the top, bats swarmed everywhere around us!!! It was awesome.  I love bats.  They were flying pretty close to our heads.  Quinn decided that he was going to try to take a photo, but it is not the kind of photo you can really plan for.  But, after a few moments of random photo snapping Quinn captured a bat!! This was, by far, the coolest animal we have seen all summer.  All I need to see now is...A BEAR!!!

The whole hike lasted a little over 3 hours.  About half way down the peak I decided we should have brought sleeping bags and slept in the grass.  The weather was perfect! Quinn wished we would have a fishing pole.

I am tired today at work, but it was definitely worth missing out on the sleep.